Saturday, March 9, 2013

Zulu Alliance Facts

Zulu Empire National Anthem

Song of the Zulu nations Chiefs

 Flag of the Zulu Alliance
Designed by Walsh the Beloved

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Foreign recipients of Zulu medals and awards

Zulu Foreign Legion




Zulu Royal Advisor

salsabeast1 past advisor


Medal of the Arts 

Walsh the Beloved


Zulu Benefactor

Alec V Marks
Marcus Davis
Sigrun Vapneir
Mongose VIII Hermany
Mr Otingocni

Honored Opponent

rey the great




Zulu recipients of medals and awards

Alvin Bismark



Emperor Niklaus


King steven


Milo Swazi




Ubuntu the Great




Tywin Lannister




Canadian Brutality



Monday, March 4, 2013

Zulu Medals


Zulu Foreign Legion
Awarded to any non Zulu member that has been recognized by Ubuntu the Great as having fought a Zulu enemy defending or aiding the Zulu alliance in a war.
 Designed by Ubuntu the Great
Zulu Royal Advisor
Awarded to any non Zulu member has been proclaimed a Royal Advisor by Ubuntu the Great
Designed by Walsh the Beloved
Washing of the Spears
Awarded to any Zulu member that has been involved in a war
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
Medal of the Arts
Awarded to individuals foreign or domestic that contribute to the arts of the Zulu alliance.
Graphics, music, site design etc.
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
Zulu Benefactor
Awarded to any individual foreign or domestic that has given gifts of money, tech or soldiers to a member(s) of the Zulu alliance on several occasions
Designed by Walsh the Beloved
The Zulu Lion
Awarded to Zulu individuals that display ferocity and/or courage above and beyond the call of duty in the face of the enemy.
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
War Against The International
Jan 31,2013 to Mar 27, 2013
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
War Against Non Grata
Jan 29,2013 to Mar 27, 2013
 Designed by Ubuntu the Great
War Against ODN
Jan 21,2013 to Mar 27, 2013
 Designed by Ubuntu the Great

War Against the GOONS
Feb 23, 2013 to Mar 27, 2013
 Designed by Ubuntu the Great
Honored Opponent
Awarded to an enemy that has earned our respect as a highly respected enemy opponent.
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
Nuclear Glow Medal
Awarded  to any Zulu member that has been successfully nuked an enemy or has nuked by the enemy.
Designed by Ubuntu the Great
War Against Mushqaeda
Sept 21 2013 -
Designed by Ubuntu the Great

War Against Doombird Doomcave 
October 8 2013 - 
Designed by Ubuntu the Great